Renewable Energy in Germany 2012

This is Not Cool

While a lot of people aren’t paying attention, a new world is being developed in Germany. I’ll be writing more about this in the near future, but for now,  I came across a nice video on the indispensable CleanTechnica…


Since the year 2000 Germany has developed from a pro-renewable energy country into a renewable energy powerhouse aiming for a complete transformation of its energy system.

In Germany most of the renewable energy capacity is owned by individuals or community power projects. In this grassroots energy revolution millions of households, villages and even entire regions have already declared their partial or total energy independence by becoming independent power producers. This is driven by the concept of energy autonomy, of not being dependent on multinational corporations or energy sources that destroy the world future generations have to life in. It was made possible by policy frameworks that enabled & encouraged people…

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